CBSE 2014 Class 12 Economics Delhi Set-1

Question : 12
Total: 19
Define money supply and explain its components.
Supply of money refers to the total stock of money (in the form of currency notes and coins) held by the people of an economy at a particular point of time. The following are the components of money:
(i) Curency component : It includes currency notes and coins which are issued by the monetary Authority of a country, collectively called the currency Component of the money supply, In India, RBI issues the currency notes of various denominations (such as 2, 5,100,500,2000 ) and the Government of India issues currency coins and notes of denomination less than and equal to 1.
(ii) Deposit component : The savings or the current account deposits held by the public in various commercial banks of a country. Apart from the currency notes and coins, the stock of money also includes the Saving Deposits and the Current Account Deposits held by the public in various commercial banks.
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