Kerala SET Entrance Exam Previous Year Papers for Online Practice

Preparing for the Kerala SET (State Eligibility Test) Entrance Exam is a crucial step for candidates looking to pursue a career in teaching within the state of Kerala. is your ultimate destination for accessing a comprehensive collection of Kerala SET Entrance Exam previous papers online. These resources are meticulously compiled to aid your exam preparation, giving you a clear insight into the pattern and types of questions asked in the actual examination.

Our platform is dedicated to enhancing your preparation strategy by offering free access to a vast array of exam materials. This includes online practice tests, PDFs, and video solutions, all designed to fit your study preferences. With, you don't need to worry about registration or login requirements to practice any exam. Dive into our extensive database of Kerala SET past papers to benchmark your readiness and identify areas for improvement, ensuring you are well-prepared on the day of the exam.

About Exam

Preparing for the Kerala SET entrance exam is now more accessible than ever with, your go-to destination for free online exam practice tests. Our dedicated section for Kerala SET entrance exam previous papers offers a comprehensive collection of past exam papers online. Whether you're aiming to understand the exam pattern, gauge the level of difficulty, or simply get in some practice, our previous papers section has got you covered. With no registration or login required, access to these invaluable resources is straightforward and user-friendly.

At, we understand the importance of thorough preparation. That's why, in addition to offering previous papers online, we also provide PDF and video solutions to help you analyze and understand the right approach to answering questions. These resources are designed to boost your confidence and improve your performance by offering in-depth insights into the types of questions asked in the Kerala SET entrance exam. Start your preparation journey with us today and take a step closer to achieving your goal.

Exam Pattern

The Kerala SET Entrance Exam is a critical pathway for aspirants wishing to establish their teaching careers within Kerala. To excel in this exam, understanding its pattern is imperative. The exam consists of two papers - Paper I is common for all candidates, focusing on General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude, while Paper II is subject-specific, corresponding to the candidate’s post-graduate discipline. Both papers are of equal importance and are designed to assess the candidate's proficiency and aptitude for teaching at the Higher Secondary level.

The marking scheme for the Kerala SET Entrance Exam is designed to rigorously evaluate the candidate's subject knowledge and teaching methodology. Paper I comprises 120 marks, split evenly between General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude. Paper II, however, is more extensive, carrying 120 marks, centered solely around the candidate’s chosen subject. It is essential for aspirants to focus on accuracy as there is a negative marking scheme in place, which further emphasizes the exam's competitive nature. Additionally, the exam format includes objective type questions, making it vital for students to sharpen their problem-solving and time management skills.

  • Exam Name: Kerala SET Entrance Exam
  • Papers: 2 (Paper I - General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude, Paper II - Subject-specific)
  • Total Marks: 240 (Paper I - 120, Paper II - 120)
  • Negative Marking: Yes
  • Question Type: Objective