CBSE 2014 Class 12 Economics Outside Delhi Set-2

Question : 4
Total: 4
Calculate 'National Income' and Net National Disposable Income ** from the following: ( in Arab)
 (i) Net change in stocks  50
 (ii) Government final consumption expenditure  100
 (iii) Net current transfers to abroad  30
 (iv) Gross domestic fixed capital formation  200
 (v) Private final consumption expenditure  500
 (vi) Net imports  40
 (vii) Depreciation  70
 (viii) Net factor income to abroad  (-)10
 (ix) Net indirect tax  120
 (x) Net capital transfers to abroad  25
NNPFC= Private final consumption expenditure+ Government final consumption expenditure+ Gross domestic fixed capital formation + Net change in stocks - Net imports - Depreciation - Net indirect tax - Net factor income to abroad
=500+100+200+504070 120(10)
=630 Arab
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