CBSE 2014 Class 12 Economics Outside Delhi Set-3

Question : 5
Total: 5
Calculate the Net National Product at Market Price' and 'Gross National Disposable Income** from the following: (₹ in Arab)
 (i) Closing stock  10
 (ii) Consumption of fixed capital  40
 (iii) Private final consumption expenditure  600
 (iv) Exports  50
 (v) Opening stock  20
 (vi) Government final consumption expenditure  100
 (vii) Imports  60
 (viii) Net domestic fixed capital formation  80
 (ix) Net current transfers to abroad  (-)10
 (x) Net factor income from abroad  30
NNPMP = Private final consumption expenditure + Government final consumption expenditure + Net domestic fixed capital formation +[ Closing stock - Opening stock] + [Exports - Imports] - Net factor income from abroad
=( iii )+( vi )+( viii )+[(i)(v)] +[(iv)( vii )](x)
=600+100+80+[1020] +[5060]30
=780101030 = ₹ 730 Arab
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