CBSE 2015 Class 12 Economics Outside Delhi Set-2

Question : 3
Total: 3
Calculate 'Net National Product at Market Price' and 'Personal Income :
 S.No.  Particular  Amount ₹ in crore
 (i)  Transfer payments by government  7
 (ii)   Government final consumption expenditure  50
 (iii)  Net imports  (-)10
 (iv)  Net domestic fixed capital formation  60
 (v)  Private final consumption expenditure  300
 (vi)  Private income  280
 (vii)  Net factor income to abroad  (-)5
 (viii)  Closing stock  8
 (ix)  Opening stock  8
 (x)  Depreciation  12
 (xi)  Corporate tax  60
 (xii)  Retained earnings of corporations  20
NNPMP= Private final consumption expenditure + Government final consumption expenditure + (Net domestic fixed capital formation + depreciation) + Change in stock - Net imports depreciation - Net factor income to abroad
NNPMP=300+50+60+12 +(88)(10)12(5)
NNPMP=425 crores
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