CBSE 2015 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 3 Paper

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Answer the following question in 120150 words?
Question : 9
Total: 10
How did the order from Berlin change the situation in the school? (The Last Lesson)
The order from Berlin was received with an uncanny silence in the school. There were new copies for the students with 'France, Alsace' written on them. They looked like little flags floating everywhere in the classroom. This was in contrast to the usual scene when the school would be buzzing with activity. The sound of opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in chorus and the teachers' great ruler banging on the table could be heard on the street. But that day, everyone was working quietly and Mr. Hamel, who was dressed formally in the attire that he never wore except on special occasions, was walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. The only sound that was heard was, the scratching of pen over paper. The villagers had gathered in the classroom and were sitting quietly on the lock benches.
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