CBSE 2016 Class 12 Economics Outside Delhi Set-1

Question : 19
Total: 19
Find Gross National Product at Market Price and (Private Income :
 S.No.  Particular  Amount ₹ in crore
 (i)  Private final consumption expenditure  800
 (ii)  Net current transfers to abroad  20
 (iii)  Net factor income to abroad  (-)10
 (iv)  Government final consumption expenditure  300
 (v)   Net indirect tax  150
 (vi)  Net domestic capital formation  200
 (vii)  Current transfers from government  40
 (viii)  Depreciation  100
 (ix)  Net imports  30
 (x)  Income accruing to government  90
 (xi)   National debt interest  50
GDPmp= Private Final Consumption Expenditure + Government Final Consumption Expenditure + (net domestic capital formation+ depreciation) -net imports
=140030=1370 crores.
GNPmp=GDPmp - net factor income to abroad
=1370(10)=1380 crores.
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