CBSE 2016 Class 12 English Delhi Set 1 Paper

Question : 3
Total: 8
India is an emerging economy, we are rich in natural resources. Yet a significant proportion of our people is living below poverty line. One cause of this poverty is our rising population. Write an article is 150-200 words on 'How to keep a check on population.' You are Karuna/Karan.
By Karan/Karuna
An economy requires the support of its population to function smoothly. The fact remains intact that India is extremely rich in its natural resources, yet incapable of sustaining its population. We often ponder over the question. Who is responsible for the imbalance? Is it the current government? Is it the lack of facility? Or is it just ignorance?
The disproportionate distribution of wealth in the country is mostly an outcome of the humongous population, hyperbolically termed as the 'Population Explosion'. The government, at regular intervals, has introduced birth control schemes and programmes, such as 'Hum Do Hamare Do'.
Such programs have failed tremendously because of the illiteracy and religiously guided notions of the people. The only way possible to curb the population is to educate the Indian population. The beliefs and desirability of having a male child also increases the population, which can be checked by making people understand that it is better to facilitate the children in a manner to empower them without being gender biased.
The government can work effectively only when the population understands the fragility and the need of the moment.
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