CBSE 2017 Class 12 Economics Outside Delhi Set-2

Question : 4
Total: 4
Calculate the (a) Net National Product at market price, and (b) Gross National Disposable Income :
 (i)  Mixed income of self-employed  8,000
 (ii)   Depreciation  200
 (iii)  Profit  1,000
 (iv)  Rent  600
 (v)  Interest  700
 (vi)  Compensation of employees  3,000
 (vii)   Net indirect taxes  500
 (viii)   Net factor income to abroad  60
 (ix)   Net exports  (-)50
 (x)  Net current transfers to abroad  20
NNPmp = Net national product at market price
NDPfc=COE+MI+OS ( Rent + interest + profit )
=13,300 crores
(b) NNPmp =NDPfc( viii) +( vii)
=13,740 crores
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