CBSE 2017 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 3 Paper

Question : 2
Total: 10
Your school is situated near a road intersection. Last week, in the morning, a bus coming at a great speed overturned when it braked suddenly. Senior students of your school rushed out and did everything to save the passengers. You were part of the rescue efforts. Write a report in 150-200 words on the accident and your friends' role, for your school newsletter. You are George/Mary.
By George/Mary
Death and disasters come uninvited. They have no time-table. Last week, dated 6th May, 20XX. I was at my school gate in the morning when I heard a loud screeching of brakes. A blue line bus was approaching at a dangerously fast speed while the students of our school were crossing the road intersection. The bus was moving so rapidly that the driver could not stop it and it overturned when he applied the brakes suddenly. The scene became a havoc. Passengers were badly injured. Some senior students and I rushed out and tried to save the passengers. The bus driver fled from the scene. There were people with multiple fractures and injuries. Many people came to help. Injured people were rushed to Safdar Jung Hospital where two people died on the spot. It was a tragic sight. Rash driving of a driver took away the lives of the innocent people. I wonder how long will this recklessness continue!
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