CBSE 2020 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 2 Paper

Question : 2
Total: 11
Teacher's Day was celebrated in your school. The function was presided over by the State Education Minister. A variety programme was organised. Five retired teachers were honoured. Write a report in 150-200 words on the function. You are Pritam/Nirmala.
A Report by Pritam/Nirmala
St. Martins High School, Bengaluru, celebrated Teacher's Day with zeal and zest on September 5,20XX. There was an unusual excitement in the school which was quite contagious. The students of classes XI and XII took over the duties of the teachers for the day. A special morning assembly was held in which the students paid homage to their tenchers through poems and speeches. The Principal, Mrs. R. Joseph, addressing the entire school, lauded the entire staff for their exemplary contribution to the school's phenomenal success. State Education Minister, Hon. Mr. Dilip Jadhav, graced the occasion with his presence as the Chief Guest and addressed the audience through his words of wisdom. He spoke about the importance of teachers in a student's life and that how they steer us in the right direction. There was a special celebration organised for the retiring teachers.
The retiring teachers were felicitated by the Chief Guest for their long-term contribution. Other entertaining programmes which included games with many prizes, were also carried out followed by a grand lunch.
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