CBSE 2023 Class 12 Economics Delhi Set 1

Question : 5
Total: 49
From the statements given in Column I and Column II, choose the correct pair.
   Column I    Column II
 A.  Vegetables grown in the Personal garden  (i)  Non marketing activity
 B.  A car used as a taxi  (ii)  Consumer good
 C.  An air-conditioner used by household  (iii)  Capital good
 D.  Scholarship given to students by government  (iv)  Factor income
(a) A - (i)
(i) Vegetables grown in personal garden are not meant for sale in the market.
(ii) A car used as taxi is a capital good not a consumer good.
(iii) An air-conditioner used by household is a consumer good not a capital good.
(iv) Scholarships given to students by the government is transfer income not factor income.
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