CBSE Class 10 Science 2015 Term II Outside Delhi Set 1

Question : 20
Total: 36
(a) Name the human male reproductive organ that produces sperms and also secretes a hormone. Write the functions of the secreted hormone.
(b) Name the parts of the human female reproductive system where
(i) fertilisation takes place,
(ii) implantation of the fertilised egg occurs.
Explain how the embryo gets nourishment inside the mother's body.
a) Testis produces sperms and male hormone testosterone. Testesterone helps in formation of sperms and development of secondary sexual characters.
b) (i) Fallopian tube
(ii) Uterus.
Embryo in the mother is attached by a disc like tissue called placenta. It provides large surface area for glucose and oxygen to pass from the mother's blood to the foetus.
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