CBSE Class 10 Science 2016 Term 1 Paper

Question : 21
Total: 36
(a) State the form in which the following are stored:
(i) Unused carbohydrates in plants.
(ii) The energy derived from food in humans.
(b) Describe the process of nutrition in amoeba with the help of diagram.
(a) (i) The form of starch.
(ii) In the form of ATP or ADP.
(b) Nutrition in Amoeba : Amoeba consumes food with the help of pseudopodia. Pseudopodia are temporary finger like projections of the cell surface, which fuse over the food particles. This results in the formation of food vacuole.
Inside this food vacuole complex substances are broken down into simple ones. These are then diffused into the cell cytoplasm. The remaining undigested material is thrown out of the cell surface.
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