CBSE Class 10 Science 2016 Term II Delhi Set 1

Question : 20
Total: 36
(a) Write the functions of the following parts in human female reproductive system:
(i) Ovary, (ii) Oviduct, (iii) Uterus
(b) Describe the structure and function of placenta.
(a) (i) Ovary: Production of female gametes.
(ii) Oviduct : Transfer of female gametes from the ovary and it is the site of fertilisation.
(iii) Uterus : Implantation of the zygote, nourishment of the developing embryo.
(b) Placenta is a disc like structure in the uterine wall connected to the embryo. It has villi on the embryo's side of the tissue and on the mother side, it has blood spaces, which surround the villi.
It provides space for food and oxygen to pass from the mother to the embryo and waste from the embryo to mother's blood.
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