CBSE Class 10 Science 2020 Outside Delhi Set 1

Question : 19
Total: 30
(a) State the role played by the following in the process of digestion.
(i) Enzyme trypsin
(ii) Enzyme lipase
(b) List two functions of finger like projections present in the small intestine.
(a) (i) Trypsin is an enzyme that helps in the digestion of proteins. In the small intestine, trypsin breaks down proteins, continuing the process of digestion that began in the stomach. It may also be referred to as a proteolytic enzyme,orproteinase. Trypsinisproduced by the pancreas in an inactive form called trypsinogen. The trypsinogen enters the small intestine through the common bile duct and is converted to active trypsin. This active trypsin acts with the other two principal digestive proteinases namely pepsin and chymotrypsin, to breakdown dietary protein into peptides and amino acids. These amino acids are essential for muscle growth, hormone production and other important bodily functions.
(ii) Lipase enzyme breaks down dietary fats into smaller molecules known as glycerol and fatty acids. A little quantity of lipase, known as gastric lipase is produced by the cells of the stomach.
  This enzyme mainly digests fat present in the food: The pancreas is the primary source of lipase in the digestive tract. which produces pancreatic lipase which acts in the small intestine. The bile produced in the liver and liberated in the intestine transform dietary fat to smaller fat globules. Pancreatic Lipase acts on these fat globules and converts then into glycerol and fatty acids that are small. energy molecules Glycerol and fact acids move in blood and lymph resells to move in every part of the body.
(b) The inner surface of the small intertie has numerous finger like projections called villi which increase the surface area for rapid absorption of digested food. The digested food which is absocthed through the walls of the small intestine goes into our blood.
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