CBSE Class 10 Science 2020 Outside Delhi Set 1

Question : 8
Total: 30
A diagram of traditional water harvesting system is given below :
The statement which defines the system and its parts is

(a) This is an ideal setting of the Khadin system and A= Catchment area; B= Saline area & C= Shallow dugwell
(b) This is an ideal setting of the Shallow dug well system and A= Catchment area; B= Saline area and C= Khadin
(c)This is an ideal setting of Catchment area and A= Khadin, B= Saline area and C= Shallow dugwell
(d) This is showing Saline area and A= Catchment area B= Khadin and C= Shallow dugwell.

The major ill effect of mono culture practice in forests is on the
(a) biodiversity which faces large destruction.
(b) local people whose basic needs can no longer be met from such forests.
(c) industries
(d) forest department
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