CBSE Class 10 Science 2022 Delhi Term II Set 1

Question : 5
Total: 15
Name the reproductive parts of an angiosperm. Where are these parts located? Explain the structure of its male reproductive part.
What is puberty? Mention any two changes that are common to both boys and girls in early teenage years.
Stamen is the reproductive part of an angiosperm. These flowers are borne on the branches of the plant where they are attached on the thalamus, with the pistil or carpel, in the flower.
The male part of the flower is called stamen. It has two parts - a long stalk called filament and a bilobed structure attached at the tip of filament called as anther. Anther bears pollen grains which are the male gametophytes.

Puberty is the stage at which rate of general body growth begins to slow down and the reproductive tissues begin to mature.
Two common changes that occur in both girls and boys are as follows:
1. Growth of hair in the genital area and armpits. Also thin hairs on legs and arms grow.
2. Skin becomes oily and prone to develop pimples.
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