CBSE Class 10 Science 2022 Outside Delhi Term II Set 1

Question : 15
Total: 15
Sex of, an individual is determined by different factors in various species. Some animals rely entirely on the environmental cues, while in some other animals the individuals can change their sex during their life time indicating that sex of some species is not genetically determined. However, in human beings, the sex of an individual is largely determined genetically.
(a) In what way are the sex chromosomes ' X ' and ' Y ' different in size? Name the mismatched pair of sex chromosome in humans.
(b) Write the number of pair/pairs of sex chromosomes present in human beings. In which one of the parent (male/female) perfect pair/pairs of sex chromosomes are present?
(c) Citing two examples, justify the statement "Sex of an individual is not always determined genetically".
Draw a flow chart to show that sex is determined genetically in human beings.
(a) The mismatched pair of sex chromosome in humans is XY pair of chromosomes.
(b) Human chromosomes have one pair of sex chromosomes. Women have a perfect pair of sex chromosomes, both called X.
(c) Different species use very different strategies for sex determination. In some animals like a few reptiles, the temperature at which fertilised eggs are kept determines whether the animals developing in the eggs will be male or female. In other animals, such as snails, individuals can change sex, during their lifetime indicating that sex is not genetically determined.
In human beings, the females have two X chromosomes and the males have one X and one Y chromosome. Therefore, the females are XX and the males are XY.
The process of fusion of the sperm and ovum is called fertilisation. The sperm has either X or Y chromosome and egg has only X chromosome.
So, if sperm carrying Y chromosome fuses with egg the newly born child will be male and if sperm carrying X chromosome fuses with the egg the newly born child will be female. There is an equal chance of fusion of either X or Y chromosome with the egg so we can say that the sex of new born child is a matter of chance and none of the parent is responsible for it. Thus, sex is determined genetically in humans.
Sex determination in humans is shown below:
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