CBSE Class 10 Science 2023 Outside Delhi Set 1

Question : 2
Total: 39
Few drops of aqueous solution of ammonium chloride are put on a universal indicator paper. The paper turns pink.
Study the following table and choose the correct option.
 Nature  Ammonium chloride is a salt of ...  Range of pH
 (a) acidic  weak acid and strong base  less than 7
 (b) basic  weak acid and strong base  more than 7
 (c) acidic  strong acid and weak base  less than 7
 (d) basic  strong acid and strong base  7
Ammonium chloride is a salt of strong acid like (hydrochloric acid) and a weak base (like ammonium hydroxide), so an aqueous solution of ammonium chloride is acidic in nature ranging from 4.6 to 6 .
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