CBSE Class 10 Science 2023 Outside Delhi Set 3

Question : 12
Total: 12
(a) Name the two types of pollination and differentiate between them.
(b) Explain the post fertilization changes that occur in the ovary of a flower.
(c) Given below is a diagram of a germinating seed. Label the parts that
(i) gives rise to future shoot.
(ii) gives rise to future root system.
(iii) stores food.
(a) There are two types of pollination self-pollination and cross-pollination.
The difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination are given below:
 Self-pollination  Cross-pollination
 The process of transfer of pollen grains from anthers to the stigma of a flower, but when this process is between the flowers of the same plant than the process is called selfpollination.  The process of transfer of pollen grains between the flowers of the different plants of the same species is called cross-pollination.
 It involves single plant  Involves two different plants of the same species.
 It occurs in perfect flowers only.  It occurs in both imperfect and perfect flowers.
 Pollinating agents are not required.  Pollinating agent such as wind, water, insects, etc. are required.
(b) Fertilization is the process of fusion of the female gamete (ovum or egg) and the male gamete produced in the pollen tube by the pollen grains. Post- fertilization the ovary develops into the fruit while the ovary wall develops into pericarp.
(c) (i) A: Plumule is the young shoot of a plant embryo above the cotyledons, consisting of the epicotyl and often of immature leaves.
(ii) B : Radicle is the first part of a seedling to emerge from the seed during the process of germination. The radicle is the embryonic root of the plant and grows downward in the soil.
(iii) C: Cotyledon is the significant part of the embryo within the seed of a plant. Upon germination, the cotyledon may become the embryonic first leaves of a seedling.
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