CBSE Class 10 Social Science 2017 Term 2 Set 2 Outside Delhi Paper

Question : 8
Total: 9
"The advancement of international trade of a country is an index of its economic development." Justify the statement.
"Advancement of international trade of a country is an index of economic development". The statement can be justified through the following point :
(i) As no country is self-sufficient in all resources, it cannot survive without international trade.
(ii) If the balance of international trade is favourable in a country, it will be able to earn more foreign exchange.
(iii) International trade encourages a country to develop secondary and tertiary sectors for exporting those goods which can fetch more foreign exchange.
(iv) A country's economic development and prosperity can be gauged by the health of its international trade.
(v) A country can earn large amount of foreign exchange through international trade. India exports approximately 7500 commodities to about 190 countries and imports about 6000 commodities from 140 countries. India exported commodities worth US $318.2 billion in 2014. And India's share in export is increasing every year.
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