CBSE Class 10 Social Science 2023 Set 1 Delhi Paper

Question : 34
Total: 37
Read the given source and answer the questions that follow:
'Krishnaji Trimbuck Ranade inhabitant of Poona intends to publish a Newspaper in the Marathi Language with a view of affording useful information on every topic of local interest. It will be open for free discussion on subjects of general utility, scientific investigation and the speculations connected with the antiquities, statistics, curiosities, history and geography of the country and of the Deccan especially... the patronage and support of all interested in the diffusion of knowledge and Welfare of the People is earnestly solicited.'
Bombay Telegraph and Courier, 6 January. 1849 The task of the native newspapers and political associations is identical to the role of the Opposition in the House of Commons in Parliament in England. That is of critically examining government policy to suggest improvements, by removing those parts that will not be to the benefit of the people, and also by ensuring speedy implementation. These associations ought to carefully study the particular issues, gather diverse relevant information on the nation as well as on what are the possible and desirable improvements, and this will surely earn it considerable influence.'
Native Opinion, 3 April, 1870
(I) Explain the main reason of publishing newspaper by Krishnaji?
(II) How was the task of native newspaper and political association seen identical to the role of opposition?
(III) Analyze the reasons of popularity of newspapers during 19th century.
(I) Krishnaji wanted to publish important information concerning political, scientific and other developments in society and wanted to make the people aware of them.
(II) The native newspapers and the political associations were the media through which the government policies were criticised and analysed. So in this way, both these acted as the opposition to the government.
(III) Reasons for the popularity of newspapers in the nineteenth century were:
(a) A large section of society started taking interest in the political developments taking place in the nation and this was presented efficiently in the newspapers.
(b) The newspapers became a source of social, cultural and scientific developments as well in society.
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