CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2016 Outside Delhi set 2

Question : 3
Total: 7
State any three limitations of planning function of management.
Limitations of planning function of management are:
(i) Planning leads to rigidity: A plan is a norm or blueprint to achieve the desired objective. The employees and manager become accustomed to a set method of doing work. So, there is no scope for manager or worker to use their experience and ability, which results in rigidity.
(ii) Planning may not work in dynamic environment: The rapidly changing situation present a serious difficulty in the task of planning. There are continuous changes in business environment, so it become difficult to forecast in such dynamic environment.
(iii) Involves huge cost and expensive: Planning involves collection and analysis of data, setting planning premises, application of various forecasting techniques like trend analysis, correlation, etc., determining alternative course of action and so on. All these make planning a costly process.
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