CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2017 Delhi set 3

Question : 3
Total: 5
Explain briefly any three measures to overcome the communication barriers.
Measures to overcome communication barriers are (any three):
(i) Clarify ideas before communicating: Sender should be clear in his mind that what he has to say, he should know the objective of his thoughts and arrange his message properly and then speak.
(ii) Ensure proper feedback: Sender should take the feedback of the receiver in order to know that he understood the message clearly or not, this can be understood by his facial expressions also.
(iii) Be a good listener: For a good communication both the receiver and the sender should have good listening skills, they should patiently listen what others has to say and understand it.
(iv) Communicate according to the needs of the consumers: Sender should know the needs of the receiver i.e., kind of environment that he wants and the language which he understands completely. Sender should also keep in mind the level of the receiver while communicating. So that communication can take place effectively.
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