CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2017 Outside Delhi set 1

Question : 11
Total: 32
Explain briefly any three semantic barriers to communication.
Semantic barriers to communication: Semantic barriers occur due to different interpretations by individuals. The choice of a wrong word or a word having dual meaning, lack of clarity etc., can change the meaning of message. The possible reasons are:
(i) Badly expressed message
(ii) Words/symbols with different meaning
(iii) Faulty translation
(iv) Unclarified assumptions
(v) Technical jargon etc.
(i) Badly expressed message: If the manager is not able to communicate his/her message clearly to their subordinates because of use of wrong words, inadequate vocabulary, it will hamper effective communication.
(ii) Unclarified assumption: Some messages are based on assumption, if manager does not make his/her assumption clear, the receiver may misunderstand the message.
(iii) Technical Jargon: The workers sometimes not able to understand the technical words used by manager during communication. This will lead to faulty translation.
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