CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2017 Outside Delhi set 1

Question : 13
Total: 32
Hemant, Guddu and Toshita were friends from college days and presently they were doing different kinds of business. They regularly meet and discuss their business ideas, and exchange notes on customer satisfaction, marketing efforts, product designing, selling techniques, social concerns etc.
In one of such meetings, Hemant drew the attention of Guddu and Toshita towards the exploitation of consumers. He told that most of the sellers were exploiting the consumers in various ways and were not paying attention towards the social, ethical and ecological aspects of marketing, whereas he was not doing so. Guddu told that they were under pressure to satisfy the consumers but stated that the consumers would not buy or not buy enough unless they were adequately convinced and motivated for the same.
Toshita stressed that a company cannot achieve its objectives without satisfying the needs of the customers. It was the duty of the businessmen to keep consumer satisfaction in mind, because business is run by the resources made available by the society. She further stated that she herself was taking into consideration the needs of the customers.
Identify the various types of thinking that guided Hemant, Guddu and Toshita in the marketing efforts of their business. Also, state one more feature each of the various types of thinking identified that is not given in the above para.
The various types of thinking that guided Hemant, Guddu and Toshita in the marketing are:
Societal marketing concept (any one)
(i) It takes care of long term well being of the consumers as well as the society.
(ii) In this concept, organisation earn profit through customer satisfaction and social welfare.
Selling concept (any one)
(i) As per this concept, marketing aims at influencing the customers to buy what a firm has to offer.
(ii) In this, aggressive selling and promotional technique are used to influence the customers.
(iii) In this main focus is on increasing sales volume.
Marketing concept (any one)
(i) It involves development of products for satisfying needs of the target market better than the competitors.
(ii) The marketing efforts starts from the identification of needs of target markets.
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