CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2017 Outside Delhi set 2

Question : 1
Total: 6
Explain briefly 'Initiative' and 'Espirit de Corps' as principles of general management.
Initiative: Initiative refers to taking the first step with self motivation. Every employee in an organisation must be given an opportunity so that he can prove his ability and skills. Ideas and suggestions given by an employee must be welcomed by managers before making plans.
Positive impact:
(i) Develop feelings of belong-ingness in employees.
(ii) Employees achieve the targets efficiently, if they are set up with their consultation.
(b) Espirit De Corps: Manager must encourage and develop team spirit, unity and harmony among all employees. A manager should replace "I" with "We" in his conversation with employees. This will bring coordination and co-operation in organisation and organisation goals can be achieved efficiently.
Positive impact:
(i) Develops team spirit,
(ii) Achievement of group goals
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