CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2023 Delhi set 1

Question : 6
Total: 39
'Dolma' and 'Una' were gardeners with decades of hands-on experience. They were the first ones to recognise the need of indoor gardens specially for plant-lovers living in apartments. They took advantage of this opportunity and decided to offer beautiful designing ideas for indoor gardening through their innovative venture 'My Space'.
'My Space' offered creative ideas like 'Garden wall', 'Hanging Garden', 'Window Garden', 'Book-shelf garden' and many more. Since' there were no competitors they soon became the market leaders in the field.
From the following points, identify the importance of Business-Environment highlighted above:
(c) Business Environment enables the firm to identify opportunities and getting the first mover advantage.
Environment provides various opportunities for business success. Understanding it helps an organisation to identify advantageous opportunities and exploiting benefits prior to competitors.
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