CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2018 Solved Paper

Question : 16
Total: 26
Give reasons :
(a) E value for Mn3+Mn2+ couple is much more positive than that for Fe3+Fe2+.
(b) Iron has higher enthalpy of atomization than that of copper.
(c) Sc3+ is colourless in aqueous solution whereas Ti3+ is coloured.
(a) Because Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+ due to half-filled d5 configuration whereas Fe2+ becomes unstable after loosing an electron from half filled orbital.
(b) Iron has higher enthalpy of atomization then that of copper because of higher number of unpaired electrons present in iron. Fe(3d64s2) possesses and unpaired electron while Cu(3d104s1) possesses only 1 unpaired electron.
Number of unpaired electrons α Inter atomic interaction α metallic bonding a entnalpy of atomization.
(c) Sc3+(3d0) is colourless in aqueous solution due to absence of unpaired electron and no dd transition takes place. While Ti3+(3d1) is coloured due to the presence of one unpaired electron and dd transition takes place which absorbs light in visible region.
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