CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2019 Delhi Set 1 Solved Paper

Question : 21
Total: 27
(i) Out of (CH3)3CBr and (CH3)3CI, which one is more reactive towards SN1 and why?
(ii) Write the product formed when p-nitrochlorobenzene is heated with aqueous NaOH at 443 K followed by acidification.
(iii) Why dextro - and laevo - rotatory isomers of Butan-2-ol are difficult to separate by fractional distillation?
(i) Within a group, larger atoms are better nucleophiles. I>Br>Cl>F, therefore Iis better leaving group than Br.

The presence of an electron withdrawing group (NO2) at ortho- and para-positions increases the reactivity of haloarenes.
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