CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2019 Delhi Set 1 Solved Paper

Question : 24
Total: 27
Differentiate between the following :
(i) Amylose and Amylopectin
(ii) Peptide linkage and glycosidic linkage
(iii) Fibrous protein and globular protein
Write chemical reactions to show that open structure of D-glucose contains the following :
(i) Straight chain
(ii) Five alcohol groups
(iii) Aldehyde as carbonyl group
 Amylose  Amylopectin
 Chemically it is straight chain polymer.  Chemically it is branched chain polymer.
 It is soluble in water.  It is insoluble in water.
 It constitutes 1520% ofstarch.  It constitutes 8085% ofstarch.

 Peptide linkage  Glycosidic linkage
 Peptide linkage is formed between two amino acids.  Glycosidic linkage is formed between two monosaccharides.
 Hydrolysis of peptidelinkage forms two aminoacids.  Hydrolysis of glycosidic linkage forms two monosaccharides.
 It links carbon and nitrogen atoms.  It links two carbon atoms through an oxygen atom.
 It is found in polypeptides.  It is found inpolysaccharides.
 It can be given as - CONH -  It can be given as -C-O-C-
 Fibrous protein  Globular protein
 When the polypeptide chains run parallel and are held together by hydrogen and disulphide bonds then fibrous protein is formed.  When the chains of polypeptides coil around to get a spherical shape then globular protein is formed.
 Generally it is insoluble in water.  Generally it is soluble in water.
 They have comparatively stronger intermolecular forces of attraction.  They have weak intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
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