CBSE Class 12 Physics 2017 Outside Delhi Set 3 Paper

Question : 6
Total: 8
(a) Draw a ray diagram for the formation of image by a compound microscope.
(b) You are given the following three lenses. Which two lenses will you use as an eyepiece and as abjective to construct a compound microscope?
 Lenses  Power(D)  Aperture(cm)
  L1  3  8
  L2  6  1
  L3  10  1

(c) Define resolving power of a microscope and write one factor on which it depends.
(a) Ray diagram for compound microscope
(b) Identification of objective and eye piece
(c) Resolving power of microscope
(d) One factor affecting the resolving power
(a) Ray Diagram for compound microscope

(b) Objective: Lens L3
Eye Piece: Lens L2
(c) Rp=

(d) Any one factor
1. It depends on the wavelength of the light used.v
2. Semi angle of cone of incident light.
3. Aperture of the objective
4. Refractive index of the medium.
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