ICSE Class X Commercial Applications 2023 Solved Papers

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Question : 27
Total: 41

Explain any two stages of marketing.
(a) Production-Oriented Stage (18691930): In this stage the motto was 'sell what can be produced'. There was acute shortage of goods and there was no need to create demand. Product was the focus of attention and communication with the buyer was not needed. Products were manufactured on the assumption that customer would search and buy well build and reasonably priced products. This was based on Say's law : 'Supply creates its own demand'. Production oriented stage lasted till the Great Depression.
(b) Sales-Oriented Stage (19301950) : Great Depression resulted in drastic changes in buying habits and behaviour of consumers, technological advancements in transportation and communication also changed the thinking. The focus shifted from production to selling. How to sell became a problem and the new motto was 'get rid of what you have'. The focus was on increasing sales rather than on consumer satisfaction. Demand out stripped supply and it was still a seller's market.
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