NCERT Class XI Chemistry Redox Reactions Solutions

Question : 7
Total: 30
Suggest a list of the substances where carbon can exhibit oxidation states from –4 to +4 and nitrogen from –3 to +5.
Compound O.N. of Carbon Compound O.N. of Nitrogen
CH4 - 4 NH3,NH4Cl - 3
CH3CH3 - 3 NH2NH2 - 2
CH2=CH2 or CH3Cl - 2 NH=NH , NH2OH - 1
CHCH - 1 NN0
C6H12O6 0 N2O + 1
C6Cl6 + 1 NO + 2
CHCl3+ 2 N2O3,HNO2 + 3
(COOH)2 + 3 N2O4 + 4
CCl4,CO2 + 4 N2O5,HNO3 + 5

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