NCERT Class XI Chemistry Structure of Atom Solutions

Question : 23
Total: 67
(i) Write the electronic configurations of the following ions :
(a) H
(b) Na+
(c) O2
(d) F
(ii) What are the atomic numbers of elements whose outermost electrons are represented by
(a) 3s1
(b) 2p3 and
(c) 3p5?
(iii) Which atoms are indicated by the following configurations?
(a) [He]2s1
(b) [Ne]3s23p3
(c) [Ar]4s23d1.
(i) The respective electronic configurations are :
(a) H1s2
(b) Na+1s22s22p6
(c) O21s22s22p6
(d) F1s22s22p6
(ii) (a) 3s11s22s22p63s1
∴ The atomic number of element = 11
(b) 2p31s22s22p3
∴ The atomic number of element = 7
(c) 3p51s22s22p63s23p5
∴ The atomic number of element = 17
(iii) (a) [He]2s1 → Lithium, Li
(b) [Ne]3s23p3 → Phosphorus, P
(c) [Ar]4s23d1 → Scandium, Sc
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