NCERT Class XI Mathematics - Probability - Solutions

Question : 14
Total: 54
An experiment consists of rolling a die and then tossing a coin once if the number on the die is even. If the number on the die is odd, the coin is tossed twice. Write the sample space for this experiment.
An experiment consists of rolling a die and then tossing a coin once if the number on the die is even. If the number is odd, the coin is tossed twice. The sample space S for this experiment is given by
S = {1HH, 1TH, 1HT, 1TT, 2H, 2T, 3HH, 3HT, 3TH, 3TT, 4H, 4T, 5HH, 5HT, 5TH, 5TT, 6H, 6T}.
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