Motion in a Straight Line

Question : 16
Total: 27
Look at the graphs (a) to (d) carefully and state, with reasons, which of these cannot possibly represent one-dimensional motion of a particle.
(a) A line drawn for a given time parallel to position axis will cutthe graph at two points which means that at a given instant of time, theparticle will have two positions which is not possible. Hence graph (a) isnot possible i.e. does not represent one dimensional motion.
(b) This graph does not represent one dimensional motion because ata given instant of time, the particle will have two values of velocity inpositive, as well as in negative direction which is not possible in onedimensional motion.
(c) This is a graph between speed and time and does not representone dimensional motion as this graph tells that the particle can have thenegative speed but the speed can never be negative.
(d) This does not represent one dimensional motion, as this graph tellsthat the total path length decreases after certain time but total path lengthof a moving particle can never decrease with time.
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