Motion in a Straight Line

Question : 19
Total: 27
Suggest a suitable physical situation for each of the following graphs shown in figure.
Fig. (a) : The (x-t) graph shows that initially x is equal to 0, attains a certain value of x, again x becomes zero and then x increases in opposite direction till it again attains a constant x (i.e. comes to rest). Therefore, it may represent a physicalsituation such as a ball (initially at rest) on being kicked, rebounds from the wall with reduced speed and then moves to the opposite wall and then stops.
Fig. (b) : From the (v-t) graph, it follows that the velocity changes sign again and again withthe passage of time and every time losing some speed. Therefore, it may represent a physical situation such as a ball falling freely (after being thrown up), on striking the ground rebounds with reduced speed after each hit against the ground.
Fig. (c): The (a-t) graph shows that the body gets accelerated for a short duration only. Therefore, it may represent a physical situation such as a ball moving with uniform speed is hit with a bat for a very small time interval.
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