Motion in a Straight Line

Question : 5
Total: 27
A jet airplane travelling at the speed of 500 km h1 ejects its products of combustion at the speed of 1500 km h1 relative to the jet plane. What is the speed of the latter with respect to an observer on the ground?
Let vj ,vg and v0 be the velocities of jet, ejected gases i.e. combustionproducts and observer on the ground respectively.
Let jet be moving towards right (+ve direction).
∴ Ejected gases will move towards left (–ve direction).
According to the statement
vj=500 km h1
As observer is at ground i.e. at rest
Now relative velocity of plane w.r.t. the observer
vjv0=5000=500 km h1.......(i)
Relative velocity of the combustion products w.r.t. jet plane
vgvj=1500 km h1( given ) .......(ii)
–ve sign indicates that the combustion products move in a directionopposite to that of jet.
∴ Adding equations (i) and (ii), we get the speed of combustionproducts w.r.t. observer on the ground i.e.
(vjv0 )+ (vgvj )
or vgv0
=1000 km h1
–ve sign shows that relative velocity of the ejected gases w.r.t. observer istowards left i.e. –ve direction i.e. in a direction opposite to the motion ofthe jet plane.
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