NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - Chemical Kinetics
Questions with Solutions

Question : 5
Total: 39
Mention the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction.
Following are the factors on which rate of reaction depends.
(i) Nature of the reactant : Rate of reaction depends on nature ofreactant.
Example : Reactions of ionic compounds are faster than that of covalentcompounds.
(ii) State of reactants : Solid reactions are slow, reactions of liquids arefast whereas that of gases are very fast.
(iii)Temperature : Rate of reaction largely depends on temperature. Ithas been observed that every 10°C rise in temperature increases rate ofreaction by 2-3 times.
This ratio is called temperature coefficient.
There are two reasons for increasing rate of reaction with increasingtemperature.
(a) Increase in temperature increases average kinetic energy of reactantmolecules. Hence, rate of collision increases.
(b) With increase in temperature number of molecules having thresholdenergy also increases i.e. number of active molecules increases. As a result,number of effective collisions increases. Hence, rate of reaction increases.
(iv) Concentration : Rate of reaction also depends on concentration ofreactants.
Rate =k×Cn, where n= order of reaction, C= concentration of reactant.
(v) Presence of catalyst : Rate of reaction also depends on presenceof catalyst. Catalyst increases rate of reaction by any of the followingways :
(a) Increasing surface area of reaction.
(b) Adsorbing the reactants on its surface and thus increasing chance ofcollision.
(c) By forming unstable intermediate with the substrate.
(d) By providing alternate path of lower activation energy.
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