NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - General Principle of Process of Isolation of Elements
Questions with Solutions

Question : 17
Total: 31
Why copper matte is put in silica lined converter ?
Copper matte consists of Cu2S and FeS . When a blast of hot air ispassed through molten matte taken in a silica lined converter, FeS presentin matte is oxidised to FeO which combines with silica (SiO2) to formFeSiO3 (slag).
FeO+ SiO2FeSiO3

When complete iron has been removed as slag, some of the Cu2S undergoesoxidation to form Cu2O which then reacts with more Cu2S to form coppermetal.
2Cu2S+3O22 Cu2O+2 SO2
2Cu2O+Cu2 S 6Cu+SO2
Thus, copper matte is heated in silica lined converter to remove FeSpresent in matte as FeSiO3 (slag).
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