NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - General Principle of Process of Isolation of Elements
Questions with Solutions

Question : 24
Total: 31
Name the processes from which chlorine is obtained as a by- product. What will happen if an aqueous solution of NaCl is subjected to electrolysis?
Sodium metal is prepared by Down’s process. This process involvesthe electrolysis of a fused mixture of NaCl and CaCl2 at 873 K. Duringelectrolysis, sodium is discharged at the cathode and Cl2 is obtained atthe anode as a by-product.
( melt)
+ Cl(melt)
Cathode: Na+( melt)+e Na( s)
Anode : Cl( melt) Cl(g)+e
2Cl( g) Cl2( g)
If an aqueous solution of NaCl is electrolysed, H2 is evolved at thecathode and Cl2 is obtained at the anode. The reason being that the E°of Na + / Na redox couple is much lower (E° = –2.71V) than that of H2O (E0 H2 O H2)=0.83 V) and hence water is reduced to H2 in preference toNa+ions. However, NaOH is obtained in the solution.
Na+( aq)
+ Cl(aq)
Anode : Cl(aq) Cl(g)+e
2Cl(g) Cl2( g)
:2H2O( l)+2e H2( g)+2OH(aq)
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