NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Questions with Solutions

Question : 9
Total: 31
Which compound in each of the following pairs will react faster in SN2 reaction with OH ?
(i) CH3BrorCH3I
(ii) (CH3)3CClorCH3Cl
(i) Between CH3Br and CH3I, CH3I will react faster via the SN2 mechanism. In SN2 mechanism, C – X bond breaks and the faster it breaks faster is the reaction.
I is a better leaving group. Owing to its large size, the C – I bond breaks faster than the C – Br bond and reaction proceeds further at a greater rate.
(ii) The order of reactivity in an SN2 reaction depends on minimal steric hindrance around the carbon involved in the C – X bond. Lesser the steric hindrance felt by the incoming nucleophile,more reactive will be the alkyl halide towards SN2 reaction.
Based on this, CH3Cl will react faster than (CH3)3CCl.
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