NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - Surface Chemistry
Questions with Solutions

Question : 23
Total: 35
Explain the following terms :
(i) Electrophoresis
(ii) Coagulation
(iii) Dialysis
(iv) Tyndall effect
(i) Electrophoresis : Refer answer number 15 (iii)
(ii) Coagulation or precipitation : The stability of the lyophobic solsis due to the presence of charge on colloidal particles. If somehow, thecharge is removed, the particles will come nearer to each other to form aggregates (or coagulate) and settle down under the force of gravity. The process of settling down of colloidal particles is called coagulation.
(iii) Dialysis : It is the process of removing dissolved substances from a colloidal solution by means of diffusion through a suitable membrane. Since particles (ions or smaller molecules) in a true solution can pass through animal membrane (bladder) or parchment paper or cellophane sheet but not the colloidal particles, the membrane can be used for dialysis. The apparatus used for this purpose is called dialyser. A bag of suitable membrane containing the colloidal solution is suspended in a vessel through which fresh water is continuously flowing. The molecules and ions diffuse through membrane into the outer water and pure colloidal solution is left behind.
(iv) Tyndall effect : Refer answer number 15 (i)
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