NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - The p-Block Elements
Questions with Solutions

Question : 13
Total: 74
Write main differences between the properties of white phosphorus and red phosphorus.
 Property  White Phosphorus  Red Phosphorus
 State  Translucent  Brittle substance(crystalline)
 Colour  White, gets yellowish onexposure to light  Red
 Odour  Garlic like odour  Odourless
 Hardness  Soft like wax and can be cutby knife  Hard
 Poisonous nature  Poisonous  Non-poisonous
 Solubility  Soluble in CS2  Insoluble in CS2
 Chemilumi-nescence  Glows in dark   Does not glow in dark
 Density  1.80  2.10
 Reactivity  Very reactive e  Less reactiv
 Action ofchlorine  Burns readily in Cl2 formingPCl3 and PCl5  Combines with Cl2only on heatingforming first PCl3 andthen PCl5.
Structure of white and red phosphorus are given below :
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