NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - The p-Block Elements
Questions with Solutions
Question : 30
Total: 74
What inspired N. Bartlett for carrying out reaction between Xe and P t F 6 ?
Neil Bartlett observed that P t F 6 reacts with O 2 to yield an ionic solid,O 2 + P t F – 6 .
Here,O 2 gets oxidised to O 2 + by P t F 6 .
Since the first ionisation enthalpy of Xe(1170 kJ mol– 1 ) is fairly close tothat of O 2 molecule (1175 kJ mol– 1 ), Bartlett thought that P t F 6 should alsooxidise Xe. When Xe and P t F 6 were mixed, a rapid reaction took place anda red solid with the formula, X e + P t F – 6 was obtained.
X e + P t F 6
X e + [ P t F 6 ] −
Since the first ionisation enthalpy of Xe(1170 kJ mol
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