CBSE 2014 Class 12 Economics Delhi Set-2

Question : 4
Total: 4
Calculate 'net national product' at factor cost and 'private income** from the following: (₹ Arab)
 (i) National debt interest  60
  (ii) Wages and salaries  600
  (iii) Net current transfers to abroad  20
  (iv) Rent  200
  (v) Transfer payments by government  70
 (vi) Interest  300
 (vii) Net domestic product at factor cost accruing to government  400
 (viii) Social security contribution by employers  100
 (ix) Net factor income paid to abroad  50
 (x) Profits  300
NNPFC= Wages and salaries + Employers contribution to social security + Rent + Interest + Profit - Net Factor Income to Abroad or,
NNPFC=600+100+200 +300+30050= 1,450 Arab.
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