CBSE 2015 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 2 Paper

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Answer the following question in 120150 words:
Question : 9
Total: 10
How different from usual was the atmosphere at school on the day of the last lesson? (The Last Lesson)
On usual days, when the school started there would be a huge bustle that could be heard out in the street. Sounds of desks being opened and closed and lessons repeated in unison could be heard. While repeating the lessons, students would put their hands on their ears for better understanding of their lessons and the sound of the teacher's great ruler rapping on the table could also be heard. But, on the day of the last lesson, the school was as quiet as on a Sunday morning. The narrator saw his classmates already in their respective places and Mr . Hamel walking up and down holding the scary iron ruler under his arm. When the narrator felt frightened to enter the class Mr. Hamel kindly told him to quickly go to his place as they were about to begin the class without him. Moreover, he saw some villagers were sitting on the last benches.
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