CBSE 2016 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 1 Paper

Question : 26
Total: 52
In all big cities road rage has become a serious problem. A minor scratch, a little push, or a small brushing past can lead to a scuffle sometimes resulting even in murder. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Police Commissioner giving your views on the problem and its solutions. You are Karuna/Karan, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi.
M-114, Mall Road,
20th March, 20XX
The Commissioner
Delhi Police
Sub : Increasing cases of Road Rage
Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to bring to your kind notice, the problem of increasing cases of road rage. Day by day, it is becoming a serious problem which should be sorted out as quickly as possible. We often come across many incidents like minor scratch, a little push or a small brushing past, leading to scuffles which escalate quickly and sometimes even result in death. Everyday, there are many fatal accidents, happening and the number of hit and run cases are also rising. In Delhi alone, 532 people died in road accidents in the year 2014. It is observed that people are losing patience and tolerance due to their modern lifestyle. They begin to fight over minor issues. The feeling of ignorance, irresponsibility, lawlessness and indifference is prevailing. Everybody is taking undue advantage of the freedom provided to them by the democracy. Now, it's high time to realize the need of the hour. I hope the concerned authorities would realise the gravity of the situation and put a check to these people and their activities either by imposing penalties or fines.
Yours Truly,
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